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Toutes les infos concerts Fleet Foxes

À quoi s'attendre pour Fleet Foxes en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Fleet Foxes lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Maestranza, Cradling Mother, Cradling Woman, Montezuma, Mykonos, Blue Ridge Mountains, Grown Ocean, Helplessness Blues, Going-to-the-Sun Road, For a Week or Two, Blue Spotted Tail, Sun Giant, Mearcstapa, Ragged Wood, Your Protector, Can I Believe You, Sunblind, Wading in Waist‐high Water, White Winter Hymnal, He Doesn't Know Why, Bedouin Dress, Featherweight, Phoenix, Third of May/Ōdaigahara.

Fleet Foxes a interprété plus rarement Isles, In the Morning.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Fleet Foxes et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à Mill Valley United States

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  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à Melbourne Australia

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  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à Sydney Australia

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  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à Indianapolis United States

    1. Sun Giant
    2. Wading in Waist‐high Water
    3. Sunblind
    4. Can I Believe You
    5. Ragged Wood
    6. Your Protector
    7. He Doesn't Know Why
    8. Featherweight
    9. Third of May/Ōdaigahara
    10. Phoenix
    11. Bedouin Dress
    12. White Winter Hymnal
    13. Mearcstapa
    14. Mykonos
    15. Silver Dagger
    16. Montezuma
    17. Cradling Mother, Cradling Woman
    18. Maestranza
    19. Blue Ridge Mountains
    20. Grown Ocean
    1. In the Morning
    2. Blue Spotted Tail
    3. For a Week or Two
    4. Going-to-the-Sun Road
    5. Helplessness Blues

  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à Minneapolis United States

    1. Sun Giant
    2. Wading in Waist‐high Water
    3. Sunblind
    4. Can I Believe You
    5. Ragged Wood
    6. Your Protector
    7. He Doesn't Know Why
    8. Featherweight
    9. Third of May/Ōdaigahara
    10. Phoenix
    11. Bedouin Dress
    12. White Winter Hymnal
    13. Mearcstapa
    14. Mykonos
    15. Silver Dagger
    16. Montezuma
    17. Cradling Mother, Cradling Woman
    18. Maestranza
    19. Blue Ridge Mountains
    20. Grown Ocean
    1. Blue Spotted Tail
    2. For a Week or Two
    3. Going-to-the-Sun Road
    4. Helplessness Blues

  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à Grand Rapids United States

    1. Sun Giant
    2. Wading in Waist‐high Water
    3. Sunblind
    4. Can I Believe You
    5. Ragged Wood
    6. Your Protector
    7. He Doesn't Know Why
    8. Featherweight
    9. Third of May/Ōdaigahara
    10. Phoenix
    11. Bedouin Dress
    12. White Winter Hymnal
    13. Mearcstapa
    14. Mykonos
    15. Isles
    16. Montezuma
    17. Cradling Mother, Cradling Woman
    18. Maestranza
    19. Blue Ridge Mountains
    20. Grown Ocean
    1. Blue Spotted Tail
    2. For a Week or Two
    3. Going-to-the-Sun Road
    4. Helplessness Blues

  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à São Paulo Brazil

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  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à Buenos Aires Argentina

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  • Setlist Fleet Foxes à Santiago Chile

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