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Toutes les infos concerts Big Boi

À quoi s'attendre pour Big Boi en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Big Boi lors de leurs derniers concerts sont The Whole World, The Way You Move, B.O.B., Elevators (Me & You), Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik, Player's Ball, Kryptonite (I'm on It), Gangsta Shit, "85", International Players Anthem (I Choose You), walk it out, The Thickets, SpottieOttieDopaliscious, Fo Yo Sorrows, All Night, So Fresh, So Clean, Ms. Jackson, Kill Jill, Rosa Parks, suckerfree, ATLiens, Lower Case (no cap), Can't Sleep, In Da South, Shutterbugg / Mic Jack / Chocolate, GhettoMusick, can't walk, storytellin, Intro.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Big Boi et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Big Boi à Calgary Canada

  • Setlist Big Boi à Brooklyn United States

    1. Intro
    2. suckerfree
    3. ATLiens
    4. Rosa Parks
    5. Kill Jill
    6. So Fresh, So Clean
    7. Ms. Jackson
    8. Lower Case (no cap)
    9. Can't Sleep
    10. storytellin
    11. can't walk
    12. GhettoMusick
    13. In Da South
    14. Shutterbugg / Mic Jack / Chocolate
    15. All Night
    16. Fo Yo Sorrows
    17. Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik
    18. Player's Ball
    19. Elevators (Me & You)
    20. B.O.B.
    21. The Whole World
    22. The Way You Move
    23. Kryptonite (I'm on It)
    1. Gangsta Shit
    2. SpottieOttieDopaliscious
    3. The Thickets
    4. walk it out
    5. "85"
    6. International Players Anthem (I Choose You)

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