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Toutes les infos concerts Francis Rossi

À quoi s'attendre pour Francis Rossi en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Francis Rossi lors de leurs derniers concerts sont And It's Better Now, What You're Proposing, Burning Bridges (On and Off and on Again), Nanana, Marguerita Time, Caroline, Rockin' All Over the World, Pictures of Matchstick Men, Down the Dustpipe, Break the Rules, Spinning Wheel Blues, (April) Spring, Summer and Wednesdays, Claudie, Rock 'n' Roll, In My Chair.

Francis Rossi a interprété plus rarement Paper Plane, Tongue Tied, Gerdundula.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Francis Rossi et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Francis Rossi à Hamilton United Kingdom

    1. Pictures of Matchstick Men
    2. (April) Spring, Summer and Wednesdays
    3. In My Chair
    4. Spinning Wheel Blues
    5. Gerdundula
    6. Claudie
    7. Rock 'n' Roll
    8. Break the Rules
    9. Down the Dustpipe
    10. Burning Bridges (On and Off and on Again)
    1. What You're Proposing
    2. And It's Better Now
    3. Nanana
    4. Tongue Tied
    5. Marguerita Time
    6. Rockin' All Over the World
    7. Caroline

  • Setlist Francis Rossi à Basildon United Kingdom

    1. Pictures of Matchstick Men
    2. Spinning Wheel Blues
    3. In My Chair
    4. (April) Spring, Summer and Wednesdays
    5. Break the Rules
    6. Down the Dustpipe
    7. Rock 'n' Roll
    8. Burning Bridges (On and Off and on Again)
    9. And It's Better Now
    1. Claudie
    2. Nanana
    3. Marguerita Time
    4. What You're Proposing
    5. Rockin' All Over the World
    6. Paper Plane
    7. Caroline

  • Setlist Francis Rossi à Bridgwater United Kingdom

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