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Toutes les infos concerts GoGo Penguin

À quoi s'attendre pour GoGo Penguin en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par GoGo Penguin lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Ascent, Murmuration, Protest, Break, Hopopono, Bardo, Wave Decay.

GoGo Penguin a interprété plus rarement Your're stronger than you think, Glimmerings, Erased by Sunlight, The Antidote Is in the Poison, Soon Comes Night.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par GoGo Penguin et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist GoGo Penguin à Cologne Germany

    1. An Unbroken Thread of Awareness
    2. We May Not Stay
    3. Bardo
    4. Erased by Sunlight
    5. Wave Decay
    6. Signal in the Noise
    7. Friday Film Special
    8. Break
    9. Saturnine
    10. Everything Is Going to Be OK
    11. Ascent
    12. Last Breath
    13. Murmuration
    14. Transient State
    15. Hopopono
    16. Parasite
    1. You're Stronger Than You Think
    2. Protest

  • Setlist GoGo Penguin à Montreal Canada

  • Setlist GoGo Penguin à Vancouver Canada

    1. An Unbroken Thread of Awareness
    2. We May Not Stay
    3. Bardo
    4. Glimmerings
    5. Wave Decay
    6. The Antidote Is in the Poison
    7. Friday Film Special
    8. Break
    9. Saturnine
    10. Soon Comes Night
    11. Everything Is Going to Be OK
    12. Ascent
    13. Last Breath
    14. Murmuration
    15. Transient State
    16. Protest
    17. Hopopono
    1. You're Stronger Than You Think
    2. Parasite

  • Setlist GoGo Penguin à Amsterdam Netherlands

  • Setlist GoGo Penguin à Utrecht Netherlands

  • Setlist GoGo Penguin à Berlin Germany

    1. All Res
    2. Atomised
    3. Signal in the Noise
    4. Break
    5. Bardo
    6. Wave Decay
    7. The Antidote Is In The Poison
    8. Ascent
    9. Kora
    10. Erased By Sunlight
    11. Window
    12. Murmuration
    13. Protest
    14. Hopopono
    1. You're Stronger Than You Think
    2. One Percent

  • Setlist GoGo Penguin à Frankfurt Germany

  • Setlist GoGo Penguin à Luxembourg Luxembourg

    1. All Res
    2. Atomised
    3. Signal in the Noise
    4. Break
    5. Bardo
    6. Wave Decay
    7. The Antidote Is In The Poison
    8. Ascent
    9. Kora
    10. Erased By Sunlight
    11. Window
    12. Murmuration
    13. Protest
    14. Hopopono
    1. Your're stronger than you think
    2. One Percent

Autres setlists :