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Toutes les infos concerts Gowan

À quoi s'attendre pour Gowan en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Gowan lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Dedication, Khedive, Dancing on My Own Ground, Guerilla Soldier, (You're a) Strange Animal, A Criminal Mind, Cosmetics, Moonchild's Psychedelic Holiday/Tomorrow Never Knows, Awake the Giant, Desperate, Soul's Road, One Brief Shining Moment, When There's Time (For Love), All the Lovers in the World.

Gowan a interprété plus rarement Keep up the Fight.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Gowan et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Gowan à St. John's Canada

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Gowan à Belleville Canada

    1. Cosmetics
    2. Desperate
    3. Awake the Giant
    4. One Brief Shining Moment
    5. Soul's Road
    6. When There's Time (For Love)
    7. All the Lovers in the World
    8. Keep up the Fight
    9. Moonchild's Psychedelic Holiday/Tomorrow Never Knows
    10. Khedive
    11. Dedication
    12. Dancing on My Own Ground
    13. Guerilla Soldier
    14. A Criminal Mind
    15. (You're a) Strange Animal

  • Setlist Gowan à Brampton Canada

    1. Cosmetics
    2. Desperate
    3. Awake the Giant
    4. One Brief Shining Moment
    5. Soul's Road
    6. When There's Time (For Love)
    7. All the Lovers in the World
    8. Keep Up The Fight
    9. Moonchild's Psychedelic Holiday/Tomorrow Never Knows
    10. Khedive
    11. Dedication
    12. Dancing on My Own Ground
    13. Guerilla Soldier
    14. (You're a) Strange Animal
    15. A Criminal Mind
    1. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
    2. Moonlight Desires

  • Setlist Gowan à Guelph Canada

    1. Cosmetics
    2. Desperate
    3. Awake the Giant
    4. One Brief Shining Moment
    5. Soul's Road
    6. When There's Time (For Love)
    7. All the Lovers in the World
    8. Keep Up The Fight
    9. Moonchild's Psychedelic Holiday/Tomorrow Never Knows
    10. Khedive
    11. Dedication
    12. Dancing on My Own Ground
    13. Guerilla Soldier
    14. (You're a) Strange Animal
    15. A Criminal Mind
    1. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
    2. Moonlight Desires

  • Setlist Gowan à Chatham Canada

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