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Toutes les infos concerts Guided by Voices

À quoi s'attendre pour Guided by Voices en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Guided by Voices lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Yours to Keep, Echos Myron, Instinct Dwelling, Focus on the Flock, Boomerang, Cut-Out Witch, The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory, My Impression Now, Choking Tara, Game of Pricks, I Am a Tree, The Official Ironmen Rally Song, Don't Stop Now, Your Name Is Wild, Glad Girls, The Best of Jill Hives, I Am a Scientist, Motor Away, To Keep an Area, Twilight Campfighter, Haircut Sphinx, Man Called Blunder, Back to the Lake, Little Lines, Everybody Thinks I'm a Raincloud (When I'm Not Looking), A Salty Salute, The Rally Boys, Cruisers’ Cross, Volcano, Meet the Star, Pockets, My Valuable Hunting Knife, Mr Child, Alex Bell, Tractor Rape Chain, Romeo Surgeon, Released Into Dementia, Dance of Gurus.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Guided by Voices et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Guided by Voices à Dayton United States

    1. Dance of Gurus
    2. A Salty Salute
    3. The Rally Boys
    4. Cruisers’ Cross
    5. Everybody Thinks I'm a Raincloud (When I'm Not Looking)
    6. Little Lines
    7. Haircut Sphinx
    8. Man Called Blunder
    9. Back to the Lake
    10. Volcano
    11. Meet the Star
    12. Romeo Surgeon
    13. Released Into Dementia
    14. Tractor Rape Chain
    15. Alex Bell
    16. Pockets
    17. My Valuable Hunting Knife
    18. Mr Child
    19. Twilight Campfighter
    20. To Keep an Area
    21. Cut-Out Witch
    22. The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory
    23. My Impression Now
    24. Boomerang
    25. Focus on the Flock
    26. Yours to Keep
    27. Echos Myron
    28. Instinct Dwelling
    29. Choking Tara
    30. Game of Pricks
    31. The Best of Jill Hives
    32. I Am a Scientist
    33. Motor Away
    1. Glad Girls
    2. Your Name Is Wild
    3. I Am a Tree
    4. The Official Ironmen Rally Song
    5. Don't Stop Now

  • Setlist Guided by Voices à Evanston United States

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