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Toutes les infos concerts Joe Hisaishi

À quoi s'attendre pour Joe Hisaishi en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Joe Hisaishi lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Carrying You, The Eternal Tree of Life, Doves and the Boy, Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea, Mother Sea, Ponyo's Sisters Lend a Hand - A Song for Mothers and the Sea, One Summer's Day, Reprise - from "Spirited Away", Ashitaka and San, The wind of age - when a human can be a human, My Neighbor Totoro, Hey Let's Go, The Path of the Wind, Deep Sea Pastures, A Journey (A Kingdom of Dreams), The Bird Man, A Town with an Ocean View, The Distant Days, The Battle Between Mehve and Corvette, Nausicaa Requiem, Heartbroken Kiki, Mother's Broom, A Journey (A Dream of Flight), Nahoko (The Encounter), Princess Mononoke, The Demon God, The Legend of Ashitaka, The Legend of the Wind.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Joe Hisaishi et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Joe Hisaishi à Nanterre France

    1. The Legend of the Wind
    2. Nausicaa Requiem
    3. The Battle Between Mehve and Corvette
    4. The Distant Days
    5. The Bird Man
    1. A Town with an Ocean View
    2. Heartbroken Kiki
    3. Mother's Broom
    1. The Legend of Ashitaka
    2. The Demon God
    3. Princess Mononoke
    1. A Journey (A Dream of Flight)
    2. Nahoko (The Encounter)
    3. A Journey (A Kingdom of Dreams)
    1. Deep Sea Pastures
    2. Mother Sea
    3. Ponyo's Sisters Lend a Hand - A Song for Mothers and the Sea
    4. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
    1. Doves and the Boy
    2. Carrying You
    3. The Eternal Tree of Life
    1. One Summer's Day
    2. Reprise - from "Spirited Away"
    1. The Path of the Wind
    2. Hey Let's Go
    3. My Neighbor Totoro
    1. Ashitaka and San
    2. The wind of age - when a human can be a human

  • Setlist Joe Hisaishi à Tokyo Japan

  • Setlist Joe Hisaishi à London United Kingdom

  • Setlist Joe Hisaishi à London United Kingdom

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