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Toutes les infos concerts Joe Satriani

À quoi s'attendre pour Joe Satriani en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Joe Satriani lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Blue Foot Groovy, If I Could Fly, Ice 9, Flying in a Blue Dream, Always With Me, Always With You, Surfing With the Alien, Satch Boogie, Sahara, Nineteen Eighty.

Joe Satriani a interprété plus rarement Joe's blues solo interlude, Big Bad Moon, Enter Sandman, The Extremist, You Really Got Me, The Sea Of Emotion, Pt. 1.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Joe Satriani et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Denver United States

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Minneapolis United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Detroit United States

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à North Charleston United States

    1. The Extremist
    2. Surfing With the Alien
    3. Satch Boogie
    4. Sahara
    5. Nineteen Eighty
    6. Big Bad Moon
    7. Flying in a Blue Dream
    8. Blue Foot Groovy
    9. Always With Me, Always With You
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Ice 9
    1. The Sea Of Emotion, Pt. 1
    2. You Really Got Me
    3. Enter Sandman

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Jacksonville United States

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Fort Lauderdale United States

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Spokane United States

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Barcelona Spain

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Toulouse France

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. One Big Rush
    6. Thunder High on the Mountain
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Strasbourg France

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Metz France

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Luminous Flesh Giants
    9. Joe's blues solo interlude
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Manchester United Kingdom

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Milan Italy

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Nuremberg Germany

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Oberhausen Germany

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Budapest Hungary

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Vienna Austria

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Aarhus Denmark

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Copenhagen Denmark

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

  • Setlist Joe Satriani à Rødovre Denmark

    1. Nineteen Eighty
    2. Sahara
    3. The Elephants of Mars
    4. Ice 9
    5. Thunder High on the Mountain
    6. One Big Rush
    7. Blue Foot Groovy
    8. Flying in a Blue Dream
    9. Spirits, Ghosts and Outlaws
    10. Faceless
    11. Crystal Planet
    12. Summer Song
    1. Drum Solo
    2. Energy
    3. E 104th St NYC 1973
    4. Keyboard Solo
    5. Cool #9
    6. Ali Farka, Dick Dale, an Alien and Me
    7. Shapeshifting
    8. Teardrops
    9. Luminous Flesh Giants
    10. If I Could Fly
    11. Always With Me, Always With You
    12. Satch Boogie
    1. Crowd Chant
    2. Surfing With the Alien

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