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Toutes les infos concerts Johan

À quoi s'attendre pour Johan en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Johan lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Oceans, How Does It Feel, Undone, A Thought, You Know, Day Is Done, Everybody Knows, Tumble and Fall, Fly on the Wall, Why Don't We, Swing, Coming in From the Cold, In the Park, Walking Away, I Don’t Know Man, Time for Change, The Great Vacation, Pergola, So It Goes, Cincinnati, Paper Planes, About Time.

Johan a interprété plus rarement The Four Horsemen; Aphrodite's Child, It's Five O'Clock.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Johan et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Johan à Zwolle Netherlands

    1. Swing
    2. Time for Change
    3. I Don’t Know Man
    4. Walking Away
    5. In the Park
    6. Pergola
    7. About Time
    8. Paper Planes
    9. Cincinnati
    10. So It Goes
    11. The Great Vacation
    12. Coming in From the Cold
    13. A Thought
    14. Undone
    15. How Does It Feel
    16. Oceans
    17. You Know
    18. Day Is Done
    19. Why Don't We
    1. It's Five O'Clock
    2. Fly on the Wall
    3. Tumble and Fall
    4. Everybody Knows

  • Setlist Johan à Eindhoven Netherlands

    1. The Four Horsemen; Aphrodite's Child
    2. Swing
    3. Time for Change
    4. I Don’t Know Man
    5. Walking Away
    6. In the Park
    7. Pergola
    8. About Time
    9. Paper Planes
    10. Cincinnati
    11. So It Goes
    12. The Great Vacation
    13. Coming in From the Cold
    14. A Thought
    15. Undone
    16. How Does It Feel
    17. Oceans
    18. You Know
    19. Day Is Done
    20. Why Don't We
    1. Fly on the Wall
    2. Tumble and Fall
    3. Everybody Knows

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