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Toutes les infos concerts Mystery

À quoi s'attendre pour Mystery en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Mystery lors de leurs derniers concerts sont The Sailor and the Mermaid, Shadow of the Lake, The Awakening, A Song for You, Delusion Rain, The Preacher's Fall, Travel to the Night, Behind the Mirror, Pride, How Do You Feel?, Come to Me, The Scarlet Eye, Dare to Dream, The Willow Tree, Where Dreams Come Alive, Chrysalis.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Mystery et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Mystery à Amsterdam Netherlands

  • Setlist Mystery à Bensheim Germany

    1. Chrysalis
    2. Come to Me
    3. How Do You Feel?
    4. The Scarlet Eye
    5. Dare to Dream
    6. Where Dreams Come Alive
    7. The Willow Tree
    1. Pride
    2. Behind the Mirror
    3. The Awakening
    4. Shadow of the Lake
    5. The Sailor and the Mermaid
    6. A Song for You
    1. Delusion Rain
    2. Travel to the Night
    3. The Preacher's Fall

  • Setlist Mystery à Arnhem Netherlands

    1. Chrysalis
    2. Come to Me
    3. How Do You Feel?
    4. The Scarlet Eye
    5. Dare to Dream
    6. Where Dreams Come Alive
    7. The Willow Tree
    1. Pride
    2. Behind the Mirror
    3. The Awakening
    4. Shadow of the Lake
    5. The Sailor and the Mermaid
    6. A Song for You
    1. Delusion Rain
    2. Travel to the Night
    3. The Preacher's Fall

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