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Toutes les infos concerts Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub

À quoi s'attendre pour Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Til the Day We Are Both Forgotten, Cruising, A Crown for the Wonderboy, Fine Art in Silver, And Then She Kissed Her, Sirens From Hell, Kill Your Ideals, Container Love, Atlantic Claire, This Is Michael, Albert Is a Headbanger, Rome in the Rain, Standing Blinded on the Rooftops, Life After Being a Zombie, Get Terminated!, Loyalty.

Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub a interprété plus rarement The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau and His Friends, Pfirsicheisen, Pretty Bay, Don't Look Back In Anger, Puppets on a Strang, Love Will Tear Us Apart, Bells of Sweetness, The Wrong Generation, 30 Men on a Dead Man's Grave.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub à Heidelberg Germany

    1. Fine Art in Silver
    2. Loyalty
    3. Albert Is a Headbanger
    4. Rome in the Rain
    5. Stomping White Horses
    6. Standing Blinded on the Rooftops
    7. Life After Being a Zombie
    8. Get Terminated!
    9. Fiesta
    10. Atlantic Claire
    11. Euphoria
    12. A Crown for the Wonderboy
    13. Cruising
    14. Til the Day We Are Both Forgotten
    15. Bohemian Life
    16. Annie Flies the Love Bomber
    1. Bay Rum
    2. Love On Sale
    3. This Is Michael
    4. And Then She Kissed Her
    1. Container Love
    2. Kill Your Ideals
    3. Sirens From Hell

  • Setlist Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub à Leipzig Germany

    1. Fine Art in Silver
    2. Loyalty
    3. Albert Is a Headbanger
    4. Rome in the Rain
    5. Stomping White Horses
    6. Standing Blinded on the Rooftops
    7. Life After Being a Zombie
    8. Get Terminated!
    9. Fiesta
    10. Like A Happy Reptile
    11. Atlantic Claire
    12. Euphoria
    13. A Crown for the Wonderboy
    14. Cruising
    15. Til the Day We Are Both Forgotten
    16. Bohemian Life
    17. Hyperactive Cracker
    1. Bay Rum
    2. Love On Sale
    3. This Is Michael
    4. And Then She Kissed Her
    1. Diana
    2. Love Will Tear Us Apart
    3. Container Love
    4. Kill Your Ideals
    5. Sirens From Hell

  • Setlist Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub à Leipzig Germany

    1. Bela Lugosi's Dead
    2. Fine Art in Silver
    3. Loyalty
    4. Albert Is a Headbanger
    5. Rome in the Rain
    6. Stomping White Horses
    7. Standing Blinded on the Rooftops
    8. Life After Being a Zombie
    9. Get Terminated!
    10. Fiesta
    11. Like A Happy Reptile
    12. Atlantic Claire
    13. Euphoria
    14. A Crown for the Wonderboy
    15. Cruising
    16. Til the Day We Are Both Forgotten
    17. Bohemian Life
    18. Hyperactive Cracker
    1. Bay Rum
    2. Love On Sale
    3. This Is Michael
    4. And Then She Kissed Her
    1. Bells of Sweetness
    2. Annie Flies the Love Bomber
    3. Container Love
    4. Kill Your Ideals
    5. Sirens From Hell

  • Setlist Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub à Leipzig Germany

    1. Bela Lugosi's Dead
    2. Fine Art in Silver
    3. Loyalty
    4. Albert Is a Headbanger
    5. Rome in the Rain
    6. Stomping White Horses
    7. Standing Blinded on the Rooftops
    8. Life After Being a Zombie
    9. Get Terminated!
    10. Fiesta
    11. Like A Happy Reptile
    12. Atlantic Claire
    13. Euphoria
    14. A Crown for the Wonderboy
    15. Cruising
    16. Til the Day We Are Both Forgotten
    17. Bohemian Life
    18. Hyperactive Cracker
    1. Bay Rum
    2. Love on Sale
    3. This Is Michael
    4. And Then She Kissed Her
    1. Container Love
    2. Kill Your Ideals
    3. Sirens From Hell

  • Setlist Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub à Aschaffenburg Germany

    1. Bela Lugosi's Dead
    2. Fine Art in Silver
    3. Loyalty
    4. Albert Is a Headbanger
    5. Rome in the Rain
    6. Stomping White Horses
    7. Standing Blinded on the Rooftops
    8. Life After Being a Zombie
    9. Get Terminated!
    10. Fiesta
    11. Like A Happy Reptile
    12. Atlantic Claire
    13. Euphoria
    14. A Crown for the Wonderboy
    15. Cruising
    16. Til the Day We Are Both Forgotten
    17. Bohemian Life
    18. Hyperactive Cracker
    1. Bay Rum
    2. Love on Sale
    3. This Is Michael
    4. And Then She Kissed Her
    5. Container Love
    6. Kill Your Ideals
    7. Sirens From Hell

  • Setlist Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub à Rostock Germany

  • Setlist Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub à Cologne Germany

    1. Bela Lugosi's Dead
    2. Fine Art in Silver
    3. Loyalty
    4. Albert Is a Headbanger
    5. Rome in the Rain
    6. Standing Blinded on the Rooftops
    7. Puppets on a Strang
    8. Life After Being a Zombie
    9. The Wrong Generation
    10. Get Terminated!
    11. 30 Men on a Dead Man's Grave
    12. Atlantic Claire
    13. Pretty Bay
    14. The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau and His Friends
    15. Cruising
    16. Til the Day We Are Both Forgotten
    17. Pfirsicheisen
    18. A Crown for the Wonderboy
    19. Annie Flies the Love Bomber
    1. Diana
    2. This Is Michael
    3. And Then She Kissed Her
    1. Container Love
    2. Kill Your Ideals
    3. Sirens From Hell
    4. Don't Look Back In Anger

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