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Toutes les infos concerts Phosphorescent

À quoi s'attendre pour Phosphorescent en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Phosphorescent lors de leurs derniers concerts sont New Birth in New England, There From Here, Impossible House, Revelator, Wolves, C'est la vie no.2, Down to Go, Song for Zula.

Phosphorescent a interprété plus rarement A Moon Behind the Clouds, The Quotidian Beasts, Ride On/Right On, Endless, Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain, A New Anhedonia, Endless, Pt. 2., South (Of America), Corpus Christi Bay, Joe Tex, These Taming Blues.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Phosphorescent et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Brisbane Australia

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Englewood United States

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Salisbury United Kingdom

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Dublin Ireland

    1. C'est la vie no.2
    2. Terror in the Canyons (The Wounded Master)
    3. The World Is Ending
    4. Any Old Miracle
    5. My Dove, My Lamb
    6. Wolves
    7. Endless, Pt. 1
    8. Endless, Pt.2
    1. Impossible House
    2. Revelator
    3. Wide as Heaven
    4. There From Here
    5. New Birth in New England
    6. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
    7. Tell Me Baby (Have You Had Enough)
    8. Song for Zula
    1. Dead Heart
    2. Down to Go

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Leeds United Kingdom

    1. C'est la vie no.2
    2. The World Is Ending
    3. Any Old Miracle
    4. My Dove, My Lamb
    5. Terror in the Canyons (The Wounded Master)
    6. Wolves
    7. Endless, Pt. 1
    8. Endless, Pt. 2.
    1. Impossible House
    2. Revelator
    3. Wide as Heaven
    4. There From Here
    5. New Birth in New England
    6. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
    7. Tell Me Baby (Have You Had Enough)
    8. Song for Zula
    1. Dead Heart
    2. Down to Go

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à London United Kingdom

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Deurne Belgium

    1. C'est la vie no.2
    2. Revelator
    3. Impossible House
    4. There From Here
    5. New Birth in New England
    6. Wolves
    7. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
    8. Down to Go
    9. Wide as Heaven
    10. Song for Zula

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Tønder Denmark

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Birmingham United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Rochester United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Charlottesville United States

    1. C'est la vie no.2
    2. A New Anhedonia
    3. The World Is Ending
    4. South (Of America)
    5. Corpus Christi Bay
    6. Wolves
    7. Joe Tex, These Taming Blues
    8. Endless
    9. Endless, Pt.2
    1. Revelator
    2. Impossible House
    3. A Moon Behind the Clouds
    4. The Quotidian Beasts
    5. Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain
    6. There From Here
    7. Tell Me Baby (Have You Had Enough)
    8. Terror in the Canyons (The Wounded Master)
    9. New Birth in New England
    10. Song for Zula
    1. Down to Go
    2. Ride On/Right On

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Asheville United States

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Houston United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Phosphorescent à Los Angeles United States

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