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Toutes les infos concerts PJ Harvey

À quoi s'attendre pour PJ Harvey en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par PJ Harvey lors de leurs derniers concerts sont The Garden, The Desperate Kingdom of Love, Send His Love to Me, Angelene, The Words That Maketh Murder, Man-Size, Dress, White Chalk, C'mon Billy, To Bring You My Love, Down by the Water, The Glorious Land, A Noiseless Noise, The Nether‐edge, Seem an I, Lwonesome Tonight, Autumn Term, I Inside the Old Year Dying, All Souls, A Child’s Question, July, August, I Inside the Old I Dying, A Child’s Question, August, Prayer at the Gate.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par PJ Harvey et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist PJ Harvey à Prague Czechia

    1. Prayer at the Gate
    2. Autumn Term
    3. Lwonesome Tonight
    4. Seem an I
    5. The Nether‐edge
    6. I Inside the Old Year Dying
    7. All Souls
    8. A Child’s Question, August
    9. I Inside the Old I Dying
    10. August
    11. A Child’s Question, July
    12. A Noiseless Noise
    1. The Glorious Land
    2. The Words That Maketh Murder
    3. Angelene
    4. Send His Love to Me
    5. The Garden
    6. The Desperate Kingdom of Love
    7. Man-Size
    8. Dress
    9. Down by the Water
    10. To Bring You My Love
    1. C'mon Billy
    2. White Chalk

  • Setlist PJ Harvey à Manchester United Kingdom

    1. Prayer at the Gate
    2. Autumn Term
    3. Lwonesome Tonight
    4. Seem an I
    5. The Nether‐edge
    6. I Inside the Old Year Dying
    7. All Souls
    8. A Child’s Question, August
    9. I Inside the Old I Dying
    10. August
    11. A Child’s Question, July
    12. A Noiseless Noise
    1. The Glorious Land
    2. The Words That Maketh Murder
    3. Angelene
    4. Send His Love to Me
    5. The Garden
    6. The Desperate Kingdom of Love
    7. Man-Size
    8. Dress
    9. Down by the Water
    10. To Bring You My Love
    1. C'mon Billy
    2. White Chalk

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