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Toutes les infos concerts Rock and Rach

À quoi s'attendre pour Rock and Rach en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Rock and Rach lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Just Breathe, Low Light, Come Back, Immortaility, Rearviewmirror, Lukin, Who Ever Said, Jeremy, Black.

Rock and Rach a interprété plus rarement Indifference, Present Tense, Thin Air, Untitled, Footsteps, Off He Goes, Smile, Alive, Nothingman, MFC, Sirens, Crown of Thorns, Crazy Mary, Rockin in the Free World, Yellow Ledbetter, Man of the Hour, Thumbing My Way, Rats, State of Love and Trust, Spin the Black Circle, Sometimes, Insignifigance, I Am Mine, Garden, World Wide Suicide, Severed Hand, Seven Oclock, Deep, Dissident, Given to Fly, Surrender, Porch, Corduroy, Arc, Sleeping By Myself, Unthought Known, Dance of the Clairvoyants, Breath, In My Life, Retrograde, I Got Id, Love Boat Captain.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Rock and Rach et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Rock and Rach à Union Township United States

    1. Dance of the Clairvoyants
    2. Sometimes
    3. Black
    4. Sleeping By Myself
    5. Retrograde
    6. Corduroy
    7. Dissident
    8. Who Ever Said
    9. Insignifigance
    10. Love Boat Captain
    11. Low Light
    12. Given to Fly
    13. Surrender
    14. Deep
    15. Seven Oclock
    16. I Am Mine
    17. Garden
    18. World Wide Suicide
    19. Severed Hand
    20. Porch
    1. Just Breathe
    2. In My Life
    3. Come Back
    4. I Got Id
    5. Breath
    6. Jeremy
    7. Arc
    8. Immortaility
    9. Unthought Known
    10. Lukin
    11. Rearviewmirror
    1. Smile
    2. Alive

  • Setlist Rock and Rach à Union Township United States

    1. Nothingman
    2. Off He Goes
    3. Footsteps
    4. Come Back
    5. Indifference
    6. Lukin
    7. Present Tense
    8. Thin Air
    9. Untitled
    10. MFC
    11. Sirens
    12. Who Ever Said
    13. Jeremy
    14. Rats
    15. State of Love and Trust
    16. Spin the Black Circle
    17. Rearviewmirror
    1. Thumbing My Way
    2. Just Breathe
    3. Man of the Hour
    4. Low Light
    5. Immortaility
    6. Black
    7. Crown of Thorns
    1. Crazy Mary
    2. Rockin in the Free World
    3. Yellow Ledbetter

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