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Toutes les infos concerts Stereolab

À quoi s'attendre pour Stereolab en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Stereolab lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Mountain, Pack Yr Romantic Mind, Super-Electric, Miss Modular, Harmonium, Refractions in the Plastic Pulse.

Stereolab a interprété plus rarement Op Hop Detonation, French Disco, Lo Boob Oscillator, The Flower Called Nowhere, Come and Play in the Milky Night.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Stereolab et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Stereolab à London United Kingdom

    1. Come and Play in the Milky Night
    2. Eye of the Volcano
    3. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    4. Lo Boob Oscillator
    5. Miss Modular
    6. Mountain
    7. Delugeoisie
    8. Harmonium
    9. The Flower Called Nowhere
    10. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    11. Super-Electric
    1. French Disko
    2. Simple Headphone Mind / Excursions Into “Oh, A-Oh”

  • Setlist Stereolab à Edinburgh United Kingdom

    1. Supah Jaianto
    2. Laissez Faire
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. Gus the Mynah Bird
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind / Excursions Into “Oh, A-Oh”

  • Setlist Stereolab à Manchester United Kingdom

    1. Neon Beanbag
    2. Low Fi
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. Allures
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind / Excursions Into “Oh, A-Oh”

  • Setlist Stereolab à Leeds United Kingdom

    1. Supah Jaianto
    2. Laisser-faire
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. Allures
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind

  • Setlist Stereolab à Paris France

    1. Supah Jaianto
    2. Laisser-faire
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. Allures
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind
    4. Excursions Into "oh, a-oh"

  • Setlist Stereolab à Düsseldorf Germany

    1. Supah Jaianto
    2. Low Fi
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. Allures
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind / Excursions Into “Oh, A-Oh”

  • Setlist Stereolab à Trento Italy

    1. Neon Beanbag
    2. Low Fi
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. Allures
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind
    4. Excursions Into "oh, a-oh"

  • Setlist Stereolab à Milan Italy

    1. Neon Beanbag
    2. Laissez Faire
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. The Free Design
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. Delugeoisie
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind

  • Setlist Stereolab à Barcelona Spain

    1. Supah Jaianto
    2. Laissez Faire
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Harmonium
    9. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    10. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    11. Super-Electric
    1. French Disko
    2. Simple Headphone Mind / Excursions Into “Oh, A-Oh”

  • Setlist Stereolab à Seville Spain

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Stereolab à Valencia Spain

  • Setlist Stereolab à San Sebastian Spain

    1. Neon Beanbag
    2. Low Fi
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. The Free Design
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind

  • Setlist Stereolab à Paris France

    1. Neon Beanbag
    2. Low Fi
    3. Eye of the Volcano
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. The Free Design
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind / Excursions Into “Oh, A-Oh”

  • Setlist Stereolab à Charlottesville United States

    1. Neon Beanbag
    2. Laissez Faire
    3. Supah Jaianto
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. The Free Design
    2. French Disco
    3. Simple Headphone Mind / Excursions Into “Oh, A-Oh”

  • Setlist Stereolab à Brooklyn United States

    1. Neon Beanbag
    2. Low Fi
    3. Op Hop Detonation
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. U.H.F. - MFP
    6. Miss Modular
    7. Mountain
    8. Delugeoisie
    9. Harmonium
    10. I Feel the Air (of Another Planet)
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. The Free Design
    2. French Disko
    3. Simple Headphone Mind / Excursions Into “Oh, A-Oh”

  • Setlist Stereolab à Minneapolis United States

    1. Neon Beanbag
    2. Low Fi
    3. The Free Design
    4. Refractions in the Plastic Pulse
    5. Eye of the Volcano
    6. U.H.F. - MFP
    7. Mountain
    8. Miss Modular
    9. Harmonium
    10. Delugeoisie
    11. Pack Yr Romantic Mind
    12. Super-Electric
    1. Gus the Mynah Bird
    2. French Disko

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