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Toutes les infos concerts Stoned Jesus

À quoi s'attendre pour Stoned Jesus en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Stoned Jesus lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Bright Like the Morning, I'm the Mountain, Get What You Deserve, Porcelain.

Stoned Jesus a interprété plus rarement Season of the Witch.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Stoned Jesus et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Cambrai France

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Barcelona Spain

    1. Bright Like the Morning
    2. Porcelain
    3. Thessalia
    4. Thoughts and Prayers
    5. Black Woods
    6. I'm the Mountain
    7. Get What You Deserve
    1. Here Come the Robots
    2. Electric Mistress

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Madrid Spain

    1. Bright Like the Morning
    2. Porcelain
    3. Thessalia
    4. Thoughts and Prayers
    5. Black Woods
    6. I'm the Mountain
    7. Get What You Deserve

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Lisbon Portugal

    1. Bright Like the Morning
    2. Porcelain
    3. Thessalia
    4. Thoughts and Prayers
    5. Black Woods
    6. I'm the Mountain
    7. Get What You Deserve
    1. Here Come the Robots
    2. Electric Mistress

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Porto Portugal

    1. Bright Like the Morning
    2. Porcelain
    3. Thessalia
    4. Thoughts and Prayers
    5. Black Woods
    6. I'm the Mountain
    7. Get What You Deserve
    1. Here Come the Robots
    2. Electric Mistress

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Strasbourg France

    1. Bright Like the Morning
    2. Porcelain
    3. Thessalia
    4. Thoughts and Prayers
    5. Black Woods
    6. I'm the Mountain
    7. Get What You Deserve
    1. Here Come the Robots
    2. Electric Mistress

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Lviv Ukraine

    1. Bright Like the Morning
    2. Porcelain
    3. Season of the Witch
    4. Electric Mistress
    5. Thoughts and Prayers
    6. Get What You Deserve
    7. I'm the Mountain
    1. CON
    2. Here Come the Robots

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Kaunas Lithuania

    1. Bright Like the Morning
    2. Porcelain
    3. Electric Mistress
    4. Indian
    5. Feel
    6. Thessalia
    7. I'm the Mountain
    8. Get What You Deserve
    1. CON
    2. Here Come the Robots

  • Setlist Stoned Jesus à Riga Latvia

    1. Bright Like the Morning
    2. Porcelain
    3. Electric Mistress
    4. Indian
    5. Feel
    6. Thessalia
    7. I'm the Mountain
    8. Get What You Deserve
    1. CON
    2. Here Come the Robots

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