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Toutes les infos concerts The Cult

À quoi s'attendre pour The Cult en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par The Cult lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Sweet Soul Sister, Rain, She Sells Sanctuary, The Witch, Love Removal Machine, Wild Flower, Rise.

The Cult a interprété plus rarement Vendetta X, A Cut Inside, Peace Dog, The Ballad Of Sacco & Vanzetti, Ressurection Joe, In The Clouds, Spirit Walker, Apocalypse Now Soundtrack Ritt der Walküre, King Contrary Man.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par The Cult et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist The Cult à Sydney Australia

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist The Cult à Sydney Australia

    1. Ride of the Valkyries
    2. In the Clouds
    3. Rise
    4. Wild Flower
    5. Star
    6. The Witch
    7. Mirror
    8. War (The Process)
    9. Ressurection Joe
    10. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    11. Sweet Soul Sister
    12. Lucifer
    13. Fire Woman
    14. Rain
    15. Spiritwalker
    16. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Adelaide Australia

    1. Ride of the Valkyries
    2. In the Clouds
    3. Rise
    4. Wild Flower
    5. Star
    6. The Witch
    7. Mirror
    8. War (The Process)
    9. Resurrection Joe
    10. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    11. Sweet Soul Sister
    12. Lucifer
    13. Fire Woman
    14. Rain
    15. Spiritwalker
    16. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Brisbane Australia

    1. Ride of the Valkyries
    2. In The Clouds
    3. Rise
    4. Wild Flower
    5. Star
    6. The Witch
    7. Mirror
    8. War (The Process)
    9. Resurrection Joe
    10. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    11. Sweet Soul Sister
    12. Lucifer
    13. Fire Woman
    14. Rain
    15. Spiritwalker
    16. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Highland United States

    1. In the Clouds
    2. Rise
    3. Wild Flower
    4. Star
    5. The Witch
    6. Mirror
    7. War (The Process)
    8. Resurrection Joe
    9. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    10. Sweet Soul Sister
    11. Lucifer
    12. Fire Woman
    13. Rain
    14. Spirit Walker
    15. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Redding United States

  • Setlist The Cult à Auburn United States

    1. In the Clouds
    2. Rise
    3. Wild Flower
    4. Star
    5. The Witch
    6. Mirror
    7. War (The Process)
    8. Resurrection Joe
    9. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    10. Sweet Soul Sister
    11. Lucifer
    12. Fire Woman
    13. Rain
    14. Spiritwalker
    15. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Victoria Canada

    1. In the Clouds
    2. Rise
    3. Wild Flower
    4. Star
    5. The Witch
    6. Mirror
    7. War (The Process)
    8. Resurrection Joe
    9. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    10. Sweet Soul Sister
    11. Lucifer
    12. Fire Woman
    13. Rain
    14. Spiritwalker
    15. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Winnipeg Canada

    1. In the Clouds
    2. Rise
    3. Wild Flower
    4. Star
    5. The Witch
    6. Mirror
    7. Resurrection Joe
    8. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    9. Sweet Soul Sister
    10. Lucifer
    11. Fire Woman
    12. Rain
    13. Spiritwalker
    14. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Thunder Bay Canada

    1. In the Clouds
    2. Rise
    3. Wild Flower
    4. Star
    5. Mirror
    6. The Witch
    7. War (The Process)
    8. Resurrection Joe
    9. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    10. Sweet Soul Sister
    11. Lucifer
    12. Fire Woman
    13. Rain
    14. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. Spiritwalker
    3. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Windsor Canada

    1. In the Clouds
    2. Rise
    3. Wild Flower
    4. Star
    5. Mirror
    6. The Witch
    7. War (The Process)
    8. Resurrection Joe
    9. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    10. Sweet Soul Sister
    11. Lucifer
    12. Fire Woman
    13. Rain
    14. Spiritwalker
    15. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Montreal Canada

    1. In the Clouds
    2. Rise
    3. Wild Flower
    4. Star
    5. Mirror
    6. The Witch
    7. The Phoenix
    8. Resurrection Joe
    9. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    10. Sweet Soul Sister
    11. Lucifer
    12. Fire Woman
    13. Rain
    14. Spiritwalker
    15. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Tilburg Netherlands

    1. Apocalypse Now Soundtrack Ritt der Walküre
    2. In the Clouds
    3. Rise
    4. Wild Flower
    5. Star
    6. Mirror
    7. The Witch
    8. The Phoenix
    9. Resurrection Joe
    10. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    11. Sweet Soul Sister
    12. Lucifer
    13. Fire Woman
    14. Rain
    15. Spiritwalker
    16. Love Removal Machine
    1. Brother Wolf, Sister Moon
    2. She Sells Sanctuary

  • Setlist The Cult à Warsaw Poland

    1. Ride of the Valkyries
    2. In the Clouds
    3. Rise
    4. Wild Flower
    5. Star
    6. The Witch
    7. Lucifer
    8. Resurrection Joe
    9. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    10. Sweet Soul Sister
    11. Fire Woman
    12. Rain
    13. Spiritwalker
    14. Love Removal Machine
    1. She Sells Sanctuary
    2. The Ballad Of Sacco & Vanzetti

  • Setlist The Cult à New York United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist The Cult à Airway Heights United States

    1. Rise
    2. Sun King
    3. King Contrary Man
    4. Sweet Soul Sister
    5. The Witch
    6. Lil' Devil
    7. Aphrodisiac Jacket
    8. Vendetta X
    9. The Phoenix
    10. Wild Flower
    11. Mirror
    12. Spiritwalker
    13. Rain
    14. She Sells Sanctuary
    1. Peace Dog
    2. Love Removal Machine

  • Setlist The Cult à Monterey United States

    1. Rise
    2. Sun King
    3. Sweet Soul Sister
    4. Edie (Ciao Baby)
    5. A Cut Inside
    6. Aphrodisiac Jacket
    7. Lil' Devil
    8. Wild Flower
    9. Mirror
    10. Fire Woman
    11. Rain
    12. She Sells Sanctuary
    1. The Witch
    2. Love Removal Machine

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