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Toutes les infos concerts Velocity Girl

À quoi s'attendre pour Velocity Girl en 2026

Les titres les plus interprétés par Velocity Girl lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Sorry Again, Audrey's Eyes, I Can't Stop Smiling, I Don't Care If You Go, Crazy Town, Living Well, My Forgotten Favorite, Here Comes, Drug Girls, Just Like That, There's Only One Thing Left to Say, Lose Something, The All-Consumer, Tripping Wires, Nothing, Gilded Stars.

Velocity Girl a interprété plus rarement Why Should I Be Nice to You, Pop Loser, Always, Warm, Crawl.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Velocity Girl et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2026

  • Setlist Velocity Girl à Washington United States

    1. Audrey's Eyes
    2. There's Only One Thing Left to Say
    3. The All-Consumer
    4. Lose Something
    5. Tripping Wires
    6. Gilded Stars
    7. Nothing
    8. Just Like That
    9. Here Comes
    10. I Can't Stop Smiling
    11. Drug Girls
    12. Sorry Again
    13. I Don't Care If You Go
    14. Crazy Town
    15. My Forgotten Favorite
    16. Living Well
    1. Always
    2. Warm
    3. Crawl

  • Setlist Velocity Girl à Washington United States

    1. Lose Something
    2. There's Only One Thing Left to Say
    3. The All-Consumer
    4. Audrey's Eyes
    5. Tripping Wires
    6. Just Like That
    7. Here Comes
    8. I Can't Stop Smiling
    9. Drug Girls
    10. Gilded Stars
    11. Nothing
    12. Sorry Again
    13. Crazy Town
    14. I Don't Care If You Go
    15. My Forgotten Favorite
    16. Living Well
    1. Pop Loser
    2. Why Should I Be Nice to You

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