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Toutes les infos concerts Vök

À quoi s'attendre pour Vök en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Vök lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Stadium, Night and Day, In the Dark, Headlights, Lose Control, No Coffee at the Funeral, Higher, Before, Breaking Bones, Round Two, Intro, Something Bad, Waiting, Spend the Love, Autopilot, Ég Bíð þín, Waterfall, BTO, If I Was.

Vök a interprété plus rarement Tension, Skin, , Circles, Við Vökum, Illuminating, Polar, Cold, Floating.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Vök et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Vök à Reykjavik Iceland

    1. Við Vökum
    2. Tension
    3. Circles
    4. Autopilot
    5. Spend the Love
    6. Waterfall
    7. Floating
    8. Ég Bíð þín
    9. Cold
    10. BTO
    11. If I Was
    12. Waiting
    13. Intro
    14. Something Bad
    15. Headlights
    16. In the Dark
    17. Night and Day
    18. Stadium
    19. Lose Control
    20. No Coffee at the Funeral
    21. Illuminating
    22. Polar
    23. Round Two
    1. Breaking Bones
    2. Before
    3. Higher

  • Setlist Vök à London United Kingdom

    1. Intro
    2. Something Bad
    3. Skin
    4. Headlights
    5. In the Dark
    6. Autopilot
    7. Spend the Love
    8. Waterfall
    9. Night and Day
    10. Lose Control
    11. No Coffee at the Funeral
    12. Stadium
    13. BTO
    14. Ég Bíð þín
    15. If I Was
    16. Waiting
    17. Round Two
    1. Breaking Bones
    2. Before
    3. Higher

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