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Toutes les infos concerts Zero

À quoi s'attendre pour Zero en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Zero lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Rigor Mortis, Forever Is Nowhere.

Zero a interprété plus rarement Big Love, Many Rivers to Cross, Chance in a Million, Baby Baby, Pits of Thunder, Severe Tire Damage, Theme From Nancy Germany, Procol Harum, Space Oddity, It's Up To You, Roll Me Over, Tongue n' Groove, My Favorite Things, Tear Tags Off Mattresses, Catalina, Berm, Morning Dew, Little Wing, Home on the Range, You Make Loving Fun, Anorexia, Ermaline, Horses, End of the World Blues.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Zero et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Zero à Fayetteville United States

    1. Anorexia
    2. Catalina
    3. Can't Find My Way Home
    4. Berm
    5. Spoken For
    6. Tear Tags Off Mattresses
    1. My Favorite Things
    2. Roll Me Over
    3. Mercury Blues
    4. Tongue n' Groove
    5. Golden Road
    1. Morning Dew
    2. Little Wing

  • Setlist Zero à Fayetteville United States

    1. Cole's Law
    2. Tangled Hangers
    3. Horses
    4. Ermaline
    5. It's Up To You
    6. Home on the Range
    1. You Make Loving Fun
    2. End of the World Blues
    3. Kissing the Boo Boo
    4. Rigor Mortis
    5. Forever Is Nowhere
    6. Turn On Your Lovelight
    1. Turn On Your Lovelight
    2. Let's Go Get Stoned

  • Setlist Zero à Essex Junction United States

    1. Cole's Law
    2. Tangled Hangers
    3. Chance in a Million
    4. Space Oddity
    5. Gregg's Eggs
    1. Spoken For
    2. Rigor Mortis
    3. Pits of Thunder
    4. Forever Is Nowhere
    5. Golden Road
    1. Procol Harum

  • Setlist Zero à Plymouth United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist Zero à Woodstock United States

    1. Severe Tire Damage
    2. Rigor Mortis
    3. Forever Is Nowhere
    4. Can't Find My Way Home
    5. Theme From Nancy Germany
    6. Mercury Blues
    1. Baby Baby
    2. Kissing the Boo Boo
    3. Let's Go Get Stoned
    4. Big Love
    5. Gregg's Eggs
    6. Many Rivers to Cross

Autres setlists :