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Toutes les infos concerts Orphaned Land

À quoi s'attendre pour Orphaned Land en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par Orphaned Land lors de leurs derniers concerts sont The Kiss of Babylon (The Sins), Sapari, Let the Truce Be Known, In Thy Never Ending Way, Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War, In Propaganda / All Knowing Eye, The Cave, Halo Dies (The Wrath of God), Birth of the Three (The Unification), Ocean Land (The Revelation).

Orphaned Land a interprété plus rarement Like Orpheus, We Do Not Resist, All Is One, Brother, Norra el Norra (Entering the Ark), Norra el Norra (Entering the Ark) / Ornaments of Gold, The Storm Still Rages Inside, Bereft in the Abyss, Hagevarim Bochim Ba'laila, Fail, A'salk, Children, The Beloved's Cry.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par Orphaned Land et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist Orphaned Land à Tel Aviv Israel

    1. A'salk
    2. Halo Dies (The Wrath of God)
    3. Ocean Land (The Revelation)
    4. Birth of the Three (The Unification)
    5. Hagevarim Bochim Ba'laila
    6. Bereft in the Abyss
    7. In Propaganda / All Knowing Eye
    1. The Cave
    2. Sapari
    3. Fail
    4. The Kiss of Babylon (The Sins)
    5. The Storm Still Rages Inside
    6. Let the Truce Be Known
    7. In Thy Never Ending Way
    1. Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War
    2. Children
    3. The Beloved's Cry
    4. Norra el Norra (Entering the Ark) / Ornaments of Gold

  • Setlist Orphaned Land à Tel Aviv Israel

    1. The Cave
    2. Halo Dies (The Wrath of God)
    3. The Kiss of Babylon (The Sins)
    4. Like Orpheus
    5. Birth of the Three (The Unification)
    6. In Propaganda / All Knowing Eye
    1. We Do Not Resist
    2. Let the Truce Be Known
    3. Brother
    4. Sapari
    5. All Is One
    6. Ocean Land (The Revelation)
    7. In Thy Never Ending Way
    1. Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War
    2. Norra el Norra (Entering the Ark)

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