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Toutes les infos concerts We Are Scientists

À quoi s'attendre pour We Are Scientists en 2025

Les titres les plus interprétés par We Are Scientists lors de leurs derniers concerts sont Lucky Just to Be Here, Human Resources, After Hours, You’ve Lost Your Shit, Less From You, This Scene Is Dead, I Cut My Own Hair, Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt, The Great Escape, Contact High, Operator Error, Buckle, Settled Accounts.

We Are Scientists a interprété plus rarement Tonight, Lousy Reputation, I Don't Bite, Chick Lit, Nice Guys / Rules Don't Stop, It's a Hit, No Wait At Five Leaves.

Liste des derniers concerts et titres joués par We Are Scientists et que l'on pourrait retrouver en France 2025

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Crownsville United States

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à McGill United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Philadelphia United States

    1. Lucky Just to Be Here
    2. Lousy Reputation
    3. Contact High
    4. The Great Escape
    5. Buckle
    6. Operator Error
    7. Nice Guys / Rules Don't Stop
    8. Settled Accounts
    9. It's a Hit
    10. I Cut My Own Hair
    11. I Don't Bite
    12. No Wait at Five Leaves
    13. Your Light Has Changed
    14. Chick Lit
    15. Human Resources
    16. Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
    17. After Hours
    1. You’ve Lost Your Shit
    2. This Scene Is Dead
    3. Less From You

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Preston United Kingdom

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Wiesbaden Germany

    1. Lucky Just to Be Here
    2. No Wait At Five Leaves
    3. Contact High
    4. Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
    5. Operator Error
    6. Buckle
    7. Settled Accounts
    8. Nice Guys
    9. You’ve Lost Your Shit
    10. Inaction
    11. I Cut My Own Hair
    12. Courage
    13. Turn It Up
    14. Textbook
    15. Human Resources
    16. The Great Escape
    17. After Hours
    1. Dinosaurs
    2. This Scene Is Dead
    3. Too Late
    4. Less From You

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Prague Czechia

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Amsterdam Netherlands

    1. Lucky Just to Be Here
    2. No Wait at Five Leaves
    3. Contact High
    4. Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
    5. Operator Error
    6. Buckle
    7. Nice Guys
    8. Settled Accounts
    9. You’ve Lost Your Shit
    10. Inaction
    11. I Cut My Own Hair
    12. Courage
    13. Turn It Up
    14. Textbook
    15. Human Resources
    16. The Great Escape
    17. After Hours
    1. Dinosaurs
    2. This Scene Is Dead
    3. Too Late
    4. Less From You

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Southampton United Kingdom

    1. Lucky Just to Be Here
    2. No Wait at Five Leaves
    3. Contact High
    4. Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
    5. Operator Error
    6. Buckle
    7. Rules Don't Stop
    8. Settled Accounts
    9. You’ve Lost Your Shit
    10. Inaction
    11. I Cut My Own Hair
    12. Courage
    13. Turn It Up
    14. Textbook
    15. Human Resources
    16. The Great Escape
    17. After Hours
    1. Dinosaurs
    2. Too Late
    3. This Scene Is Dead
    4. Less From You

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Dublin Ireland

    1. Lucky Just to Be Here
    2. Buckle
    3. Contact High
    4. Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
    5. Operator Error
    6. Rules Don't Stop
    7. Settled Accounts
    8. You’ve Lost Your Shit
    9. Inaction
    10. I Cut My Own Hair
    11. Turn It Up
    12. Lethal Enforcer
    13. Textbook
    14. Human Resources
    15. The Great Escape
    16. After Hours
    1. Too Late
    2. This Scene Is Dead
    3. Less From You

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Belfast United Kingdom

    1. Lucky Just to Be Here
    2. Buckle
    3. Contact High
    4. Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
    5. Operator Error
    6. Nice Guys
    7. Settled Accounts
    8. You’ve Lost Your Shit
    9. Inaction
    10. I Cut My Own Hair
    11. Turn It Up
    12. Lethal Enforcer
    13. Human Resources
    14. Your Light Has Changed
    15. The Great Escape
    16. After Hours
    1. Tonight
    2. This Scene Is Dead
    3. Less From You

  • Setlist We Are Scientists à Las Vegas United States

    Aucune information pour le moment

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